Member Benefits

As a member, you are a part owner. You have the chance to participate in the business and help chart Co-op’s direction. The Co-op is guided by three groups: members, the Board of Directors and staff.

As a vested member, you have the opportunity to help direct and influence the policies of the Co-op by electing a Board of Directors to represent you. You also have the opportunity to serve on the Board or one of its committees.

Member Rewards

Actively vesting and vested members receive member rewards. Members receive an extra 10% off all sales and deals items every single day. 

In addition, all Co-op members are eligible for a Greenbelt Federal Credit Union Membership regardless of whether or not you are a Greenbelt resident.

Coop Become a member


As a member, you are a part owner.

Members participate in the business & help chart Co-op’s direction.